Introducing CoreVu Scan Assist from Core Imaging
CoreVu Scan Assist is an online sonography education and instruction platform that brings professional sonographers, educators, and technology solutions together to assist you in a real-time learning environment, wherever you may be.
Learn how to make the most out of your Wisonic ultrasound system without ever leaving your practice. Whether you have a technically difficult patient scheduled, or just want to learn about how to get the best images possible on a standard client, our professional sonographers are available to assist you when you need it most.
5 amazing benefits of CoreVu
Real-time assistance, with video and audio streaming
Sonographers dedicated to assisting you when you need it
No additional hardware or software purchase necessary
Allows for perfect image capture for telemedicine review
Increases your scanning knowledge wherever you are; no need to leave your practice
How CoreVu Scan Assist Technology Can Benefit You
CoreVu City Vet
“I added ultrasound as one of the services I provide in 2020. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without CoreVu. It is easy to add a guided ultrasound to our schedule, as CoreVu is willing to help with short-notice. It is comforting to know that a detailed report will be available within 24 hours from the scan. I am very happy with choosing CoreVu!”
How to submit a case via WiCloud.
“Our clinic has always had the capability of performing radiographs, which at least helps us determine if a mass is present in the abdomen. However, while using a demo of the Clover Ultrasound, we were able to differentiate a splenic mass from a hepatic mass while on a zoom conference via CoreVu. The ability to ultrasound the abdomen is a beneficial diagnostic tool to help guide clients towards making the financial decision about whether or not to go to exploratory surgery. CoreVu was a useful tool for someone with no ultrasound experience to be able to scan in real time with a professional that helped us get complete images and help us read our scan. Our clinic now has a Clover Ultrasound and we have used it every day since the purchase to help guide treatment decisions for our patients. ”

Real-time Assistance.
Wherever you are, with CoreVu, we can assist you in scanning, getting a second opinion, or even learning a new technique right through your device.

Faster Patient Diagnosis.
With the ability to have instant images, and being able to save and share, you can not only get a second opinion, but also diagnose your patient in a quarter of the time of traditional X-Rays.

Learn From Anywhere.
We’re proud of our ability to teach and instruct users in the abdominal and cardiac scanning techniques through CoreVu. Imagine increasing your scanning technique with one on one assistance. CoreVu delivers on that every day!
“Jade was so helpful. She is so intelligent and sweet and good at her job. I don't know how she does it! I learned a ton."
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