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Read this case study for tips on using ultrasound to diagnose GI issues.

Customer Spotlight: The New Stethoscope of Veterinary Medicine


Dr. Slaughter uses Core Imaging ultrasounds for both at-home and clinic care.

Dr. Johnny Slaughter from Camden Inner Harbor Veterinary Services in Baltimore discusses his experience with ultrasounds and their impact on veterinary care.

Technological advancements are continually transforming veterinary care, and Dr. Johnny Slaughter, a dedicated DVM based in Baltimore, is at the forefront of this evolution. Dr Johnny Slaughter has been imaging since 1985, as a cardiovascular pathologist at Michigan State’s vet school, during his post-doctoral fellowship, when an ultrasound weighed a ton and took up an entire room. Now, he runs and operates both a mobile veterinary care and in-clinic veterinary practice.
Dr. Slaughter relies on the Core Imaging products to deliver exceptional care to his patients. Dr. Slaughter originally integrated the Core Imaging Piloter into his practice but has upgraded to the Clivia. It's a remote assistance-enabled ultrasound unit that helps in his practice. He praises the Piloter for its user-friendly interface and portability. The Core Imaging suite of products allows Dr. Slaughter to perform comprehensive point-of-care abdominal ultrasounds with ease, whether in his clinic or on a house call. This capability significantly streamlines the diagnostic process, providing swift and accurate answers that enhance the overall quality of care he delivers. Dr. Slaughter believes that ultrasound technology is poised to become the next stethoscope in veterinary medicine. Its ability to provide real-time, detailed insights into patients' health will soon make it an indispensable tool for every veterinarian, just as the stethoscope has been for decades. Dr. Slaughter is currently studying muscular skeletal imaging techniques through ultrasound.

"Having a point of care ultrasound is immensely important because clients then can get a real-time answer to some very hard questions."

Dr. Johnny Slaughter: Camden Inner Harbor Veterinary Services

The sonographers that support CoreVu help to break down the scan in an organized fashion, following a protocol to visualize all the abdominal organs. CoreVu Scan Assist gives you the ability to have a sonographer instruct you through your entire exam. This technology will help you acquire diagnostic images to be then read by our board-certified radiologist.



Case Webinar: Gastrointestinal Tract Anatomy Part 2